Avera Medical Minute: Training the future; Avera and Mount Marty team up with new simulation center
November 5, 2018
YANKTON, S.D. (KSFY) - More than half-a-million new nursing jobs have been created over the lasts decade, making nursing one of the top professions in the nation for job growth, according to the American Association of College Nursing.

Avera and Mount Marty College in Yankton are teaming up to make sure students have a leg up when they graduate, using simulation.
Paige Cordll is a junior at Mount Marty College says it's a significant change.
"Just comparing our old lab to what we have now it's just kind of astonishing to see where technology is at and we can use that to advance our skills," she said.
From practicing a pulmonary embolism to putting in IVs, Cordll has noticed a change in how they practice.
"With this new technology, it's more lifelike. The skin feels more real," she said.
The one million dollar grant from Avera has helped make a brand new, state-of-the-art simulation center, right in Yankton. From realistic mannequins to even an assistant living apartment. The sim center has opened opportunities for growth not only for students but for partnerships, as well.
"We will be able to opportunities for our partners at Avera for simulation opportunities, but also for the Yankton community," Dr. Mary Anne Krogh, Mount Marty Dean of Nursing and Health Sciences, said. "We've been in touch with Yankton EMS to provide some simulation opportunities for them, as well."
Working together Avera and Mount Marty hope to invest in training and the future workforce.
"By partnering with entities like Mount Marty College it allows us to ensure that training the future workforce, the training of our current workforce because there's always new technology, new standards, new ways of doing things," Doug Ekeren, Avera Sacred Heart Regional President and CEO, said. "That we'll have access to facilities and equipment that will allow our staff to remain competent with what they do and keep us as a medical destination with high-quality outcomes."
While Paige Cordll still has one more year left at Mount Marty, the sim center has prepared her not only for real life but an internship, as well.