Mount Marty College to Deliver Courses Remotely for Remainder of Semester

March 20, 2020

Mount Marty College has been monitoring the local and national conversations regarding the COVID-19 pandemic in addition to maintaining contact with local and state public health and health care officials. Therefore, Mount Marty College has made the decision to maintain remote course delivery for all campuses (Yankton, Watertown, and Sioux Falls) for the remainder of the semester. The May Commencement ceremony will also be postponed, but all students who complete requirements will graduate in May. 

Mount Marty College believes that this decision is safest for our educational community and will allow students, faculty and staff to contribute to the national effort to flatten the curve. Though there is currently no known immediate risk to our locations in Yankton, Sioux Falls and Watertown, our priority is to minimize any potential risk to students, faculty, staff, and neighboring communities by continuing to practice social distancing. 

Although offices continue to serve our academic community, all outside visitors to our Yankton campus must schedule an appointment via phone at 605-668-1545 prior to coming to campus.  

"During this challenging time, the health and safety of everyone who studies and works at Mount Marty College remains our top priority," said President Marc Long. "I have been heartened by the commitment of faculty and students to move classes online and make the best of this situation. The biggest concern we are hearing is that students miss seeing their friends, faculty and staff in person. I completely understand that sentiment because it is at the heart of our Benedictine idea of community. Everyone at Mount Marty looks forward to the time we can be together again. In the meantime, let's continue to pray for a quick end to the pandemic."

To encourage a sense of community and togetherness during a time of isolation, Mount Marty’s Director of Campus Ministry, Jordan Foos, and his wife Rebecca Foos are praying the Rosary on Facebook every evening at 9:00 p.m. CDT. All are welcomed to join.

For most recent updates regarding Mount Marty’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, see the College’s resources page at