• Alumni


Welcome, Alumni & Friends!

Our Mount Marty family of alumni and friends are scattered around the country and the globe, but thanks to our Alumni Office we can easily stay in contact -- especially with today's cyber world... however, let's get together in real life when we can! In fact, make plans to join us for Lancer Days weekend -- October 24 - October 26, 2025.

Alumni Weekend Information


We share a rich history of Benedictine education. By staying connected we will continue to rejuvenate and inspire one another by the Mount Marty culture of faith-based values, service and sacrifice.

Plus, friendships are one of life’s greatest joys!

The Alumni Office is your lifetime link to the campus community, to friends and classmates. Some call it networking, but St. Benedict had the same vision of community in the sixth century!

So stay in touch with our Alumni Office! Email us at alumni@mountmarty.edu and know that you are always welcome.

Alumni History

Mount Marty was founded by the Benedictine sisters of Yankton in 1936. Almost 30 years later — in 1965 — the Alumni Office was organized to create a gateway for students and friends of all classes and eras. Today we are proud to serve over 8,000 alumni.

And remember …. when we speak of alums, we include graduates of Mount Marty High School, Mount Marty Academy and the Sacred Heart Schools of Nursing and Anesthesia — another 1,500 very special people!